Ghost 是一套基于Node.js 构建的开源博客平台(Open source blogging platform),具有易用的书写界面和体验。
windows 下安装npm:
第一步: 下载node.js的windows版
把node.exe所在目录加入到PATH环境变量中。配置成功后可以在CMD中通过node --version 看到node.js对应的版本号C:\Users\fn>node --versionv0.5.10第三步: 安装git
直接到以下地址(下载git windows安装文,目前最新版是Git-1.7.7-preview20111014.exe,按照提示一步步安装即可。安装完成后把git安装bin目录加入PATH环境变量CMD中运行 git --version 确认安装是否成功
C:\Users\fn>git --version
git version 1.7.7.msysgit.1第四步: 安装 npm在确保node.exe和git都在PATH环境变量中后执行以下命令:git config --system http.sslcainfo /bin/curl-ca-bundle.crt
git clone --recursive git://
cd npm
node cli.js install npm -gf
下面来测试一下是否成功,一切OK开始Node.JS之旅D:\develop\nodejs\hello>npm install -dnpm info it worked if it ends with oknpm info using npm@1.0.103npm info using node@v0.5.10npm info preinstall application-name@0.0.1npm info addNamed [ 'jade', '>= 0.0.1' ]npm info addNamed [ 'express', '2.5.0' ]最好设置下国内镜像要不然下载会很慢
github npm 撞墙的解决方案。github:
代理服务器是必须的,我用的是本地的astrill 给curl设置代理 export http_proxy="" export https_proxy="" ok了npm:
设置国内镜像 npm config set registry http://registry.npmjs.vitecho.com2、安装ghost
Install and Run Ghost
- In your start menu, find ‘Node.js’ and then choose ‘Node.js Command Prompt’
- In the Node command prompt, you need to change directory to where you extracted Ghost. Type:
cd Downloads/ghost-#.#.#
(replace hashes with the version of Ghost you downloaded). - Next, in the command prompt type
npm install --production
note the two dashes - When npm is finished installing, type
npm start
to start Ghost in development mode - In a browser, navigate to to see your newly setup Ghost blog
- Change the url to and create your admin user to login to the Ghost admin.